Provider Overview

This information is for anyone who is providing housing and services funded through HUD or the VA or for any provider assisting clients with documenting homeless history or disability.


Coordinated Entry System (CES)

Chronic Homeless Status


Homeless Status

Permanent Supportive Housing (PSH)


Rapid Rehousing (RRH)

Street Outreach


Coordinated Entry

HUD-funded homeless service providers are required to use a process referred to as coordinated entry to connect people experiencing homelessness to housing as quickly as possible.

Effective coordinated entry processes include:

  • Ease of access (outreach,  Homeless Connection Line)

  • Assessment of needs using a common tool

  • Lowering barriers so people are not screened out because of perceived barriers such as no income, drug or alcohol use or criminal record

  • Prioritization so that those with the greatest need receive priority for any type of housing and homeless assistance available


A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a locally administered data system used to record and analyze client, service, and housing data for individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Providers receiving HUD and VA funding are required to use HMIS.

HUD requires communities to designate a Lead Agency to manage HMIS. The HMIS Lead for the Lowcountry Continuum of Care is One80 Place.

For more information on how to gain access to the HMIS as a new agency or for general HMIS questions, please contact


Training videos are available on topics related to homelessness, housing and service delivery for our network of providers as well as general information for organizations who may want to apply for funding or become involved in the CoC.