Coordinated Entry Referral

Coordinated Entry Process

Coordinated Entry includes those engaged and working on gathering documents for eligibility (i.e. homeless history) with the assistance of case managers, outreach and/or housing crisis line team.

To refer a client to Coordinated Entry using HMIS:

Before making the referral to CE, please be sure to complete the following in HMIS:

  1. Client profile is complete

  2. Client must be literally homeless (streets ,shelter or place not meant for human habitation)

  3. CES assessment on profile page is complete

  4. Completed Vulnerability Assessment

  5. Note in Client Notes that details the situation and why a referral is being made

  6. Complete the information below for those who have all documentation and are ready to be matched to a housing provider when an opening is identified.

It is the responsibility of the referring case manager to maintain contact, update HMIS notes and continue efforts to divert the client to other housing solutions.

Any incomplete referrals will not be accepted

To refer a client to Coordinated Entry not using HMIS:

  1. Have the client call the Housing Crisis Line (843-737-8357) or connect with outreach staff