Homeless Connection Line (HCL)


The Homeless Connection Line (HCL) is a crucial community resource for those experiencing homelessness. The HCL offers trained Diversion Specialists who can assist households with problem-solving, access community resources, and connect to assistance.

What is the Homeless Connection Line?

The HCL offers trained Diversion Specialists who can assist households to problem-solve, connect to community resources, and connect to homeless assistance, if available.

How does it work?

The Homeless Connection Line serves as the entry point for homelessness services within the Lowcountry Continuum of Care.

Trained Diversion Specialists have a compassionate conversation with the caller to understand the most relevant resources for that individual’s circumstance. Callers are then connected to the resources most relevant for their particular situation.

  • Who should call the HCL?

    Only call the Homeless Connection Line if you are currently homeless; sleeping outside, in a tent, abandoned building, park, car. This guidance ensures that individuals who need help can get connected to it faster.

  • What needs are served?

    The Homeless Connection Line has resources and capabilities to assist callers who are currently homeless.

    The HCL is a vital resource for individuals and families currently experiencing homelessness.

  • What needs are not served

    The Homeless Connection Line does not have the resources to assist those not experiencing homelessness. For other housing support and resources, please contact 211

    If you are experiencing domestic violence, please contact at 800-799-7233

    If you want to find ways to help our neighbors experiencing homelessness, visit our Give Help page.

More information

Homelessness Connection Line FAQs

Printable flier

HCL data